The cannabis plant can synthesize and produce naturally occurring cannabinoids and contain quite a few of these compounds. The cannabinoid is a systemic active substance. endocannabinoid, which is already present in the central nervous system and The tip of the cannabis plant synthesizes several cannabinoids, importantly THC and CBD, as well as colorants.
plants such as flavonoids
THC, short for ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is a medical cannabinoid. and maybe effective
undesirable It is easy to develop (intoxicating effects) if not for medical use or at the wrong dosage. CBD kaufen, short for cannabidiol, is the opposite of THC and is non-toxic when used for medicinal purposes medical. Cannabis-based products for medicinal use of cannabinoids derived from the cannabis plant (e.g., contains THC and CBD). Synthetic cannabinoids for medicinal use in medicine and acts like THC. Non-medicinal CBD products mean CBD products that are not for medical use and are not controlled for use in medicine. Non-medicinal cannabis refers to cannabis that is not used for medical purposes. It is not controlled and has no side effects often desirable.
Non-medicinal synthetic cannabinoid means a product of synthetic cannabinoids not formulated. Structured like natural cannabis and not for medical use (e.g., cannabinoid receptor agonists synthetic, which is found in a product called “Spice”). Unapproved products are medical marijuana products that the FDA has not approved.
Food and Drug Administration
Substances found in cannabis Contain many essential substances: cannabinol, cannabidiol, and tetrahydrocannabinol. (THC) and cannabichromenic acid, linolledie acid, lecihin, oil, protein, vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, choline, flavonoids, etc. The rubber from the female inflorescence contains drugs such as tetrahydrocannabinol plant.
Cannabis and its primary active ingredients
The main active ingredients in cannabis are of two active ingredients: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) by THC, which causes both short- and long-term memory impairment. quickly excited and developed a mental illness paranoia by stimulating the endocannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors. The ingestion of THC usually causes addiction. THC acts on many brain systems and interferes with communication. Conduction between brain cells (measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging), especially in the posterior cingulate cortex Light and physically weak acting according to the brain (feeling of being stoned and high) THC inhibits brain cell growth by inducing dendritic pruning. Spines and atrophy of dendritic arborization in adolescents earlier than usual and causing makes communication between nerve cells. It may cause a nervous breakdown more easily. CBD kaufen works the opposite of THC and has the opposite effect as it counteracts the effects of THC. Neurotic disorders, dementia, and reduced excitability from THC compounds. CBD does not cause adverse effects intended when used at regular doses and to reduce cellular reuptake and hydrolysis of anandamide, also acting against orphan receptor GPR55 5-HT1A receptor CB1 receptor CBD non-addictive
Getting drunk, lazy, or the body is not working By. Doing what the brain commands may cause some people to sleep. increased appetite and a good mood relieves symptoms of many diseases. But not all have good results. and is a substance that cells in the nervous system produce themselves
Then, in a study, CBD increased endocannabinoid levels in schizophrenia and improved symptoms. side effects from the use of CBD, some can be found, such as diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, lightness, and need to be careful when taking other drugs, such as warfarin proton pump inhibitors omeprazole amitriptyline. Therefore, cannabis extracts with high CBD kaufen will be an alternative to medicinal and anti-inflammatory effects.
Undesirable effects of THC
Because the structure of THC has a shape and composition similar to the substance (anandamide) that brain cells use. Communication between brain cells in the nervous system When THC enters the brain, cannabinoid receptors on the surface of the brain cells bind to THC, and brain cells are stimulated to distorted or abnormal functioning, causing communication between brain cells thatc control functions such as distorted from ordinary. and resulting in brain cells can work very differently than usual, for example
When taking cannabis extract, THC binds to cannabinoid receptors in the hippocampus and the frontal brain. Controls about memory and vision (orbitofrontal cortex) and interferes with the ability to think and learn with the inability to perform complex tasks. Coordination, standing, or walking balance is lost. and also reduce the speed of reaction to stimuli. It is a reason for banning people who consume cannabis extracts from driving or making them unable to compete in sports. or unable to synchronize. The movement of the muscles is as good as before.