Sony has had an incredible year thanks to the incredible success of their latest, next-generation gaming console, the PS5. Sales have gone through the roof since its release, with many people still waiting to receive their orders in the mail.
The console was released in late 2020 and has already sold over 20 million units worldwide. It is by the far the most successful gaming console launch in history, partly because of the rise of popularity in gaming across all age groups around the world. Sony wants to keep fans happy by releasing regular updates according to feedback.
1440p Gaming is Here
Sony is always looking for ways to improve the gaming experience for all of their customers, and they believe that a higher resolution visual improvement will appease many fans across the globe. The tech company has been testing 1440p resolution support ever since the release of the console back in 2020, and now they are ready to roll out the visual update in their latest console patch.
1440p resolution will allow PS5 owners to use the visual update on any TVs or monitors that are compatible. Gaming developers will also have to adapt to this update and perhaps patch their own games to include a 1440p resolution choice so that gamers can make full use of the visual power that the PS5 will now have.
New Games List Feature
Microsoft has been making waves in the gaming world over the last few years with the Microsoft/Xbox game pass that provides Microsoft console and PC owners with over 500 free games for a fixed monthly fee. Sony have worries that the game pass offered by Microsoft will detract many potential customers from their ranks and has decided to hit back by including their own new Games List feature in the latest update.
What the Games List update means is that PS5 owners will be able to build and create their own gaming library, with the games on offer on the PlayStation store. Each list will be able to hold over 100 titles, meaning that for a fixed fee, PlayStation gamers will be able to download 100 games at their choosing. This is a great feature to incentivize people to buy the PS5 if they are having trouble choosing between Sony and Microsoft as their main competitors.
Among other things the new PS5 update will include a host of new social features, including screen sharing and improvements to the user-based profile system. Party chat and notification systems will also be patched to improve the user experience when playing online with friends.
All in all, Sony seems dedicated to improving the gaming experience for PS5 owners on a yearly, and sometimes, even quarterly basis. This is fantastic news for those who have spent their hard-earned money or their wins from Grand Rush on the latest gaming has to offer.