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Chinese Behind Solarwinds Zeroday Attacks

While we are on the subject of oversight, let’s Solarwinds role we all have. The House Science Committee and its oversight team—the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform—have a key role to play in funding research and handling any questions about the agency’s performance. While there’s no shortage of oversight problems at agencies around the world, there are few that have as big an impact on national security as the CIA. And even though hydroxychloroquine is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for various illnesses, it hasn’t been subject to full regulatory review or independent testing inside the Agency. That doesn’t mean it isn’t worth monitoring closely, though: hydroxychloroquine is one of only two drugs approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors general for treatment of multiple confirmed serious adverse drug events (QAEDAEs). If an inspections committee finds problems with hydroxy chloroquine, they can ask FDA to investigate and take appropriate measures until an investigation is completed. We recently learned that oversight given over to one particular oversight group—a joint team made up of within-the-agency leaders from six public Health Service Medical Centers across the country—has a tragic history: They closed their final inspection in 2014 after CVS Healthcare discovered a widespread problem with hydroxy chloroquine in its stockpile. On October 9, 2015, we wrote about a similar

What is Hydroxylchloroquine?

This is a drug used to treat multiple chronic and acute disorders. The active ingredients, known as dianabol, are hydroxyl, lutein, and choline.


Unlike other drugs in the same class, hydroxychloroquine is approved by multiple health and safety agencies and has been subjected to little regulatory review or independent testing inside the Agency. That’s not to mention the fact that the market is relatively small and unproven—only about 10,000 to 100,000 treatments are approved each year.

The Oversight Role of the Committee on Science, Transportation and Technology

While the Nature of theintegrity of a drug interacting with human health is an important oversight responsibility, we can’t overlook the fact that the Committee on Science, Transportation and Technology oversees the entire federal drug approval process. And when it comes to hydroxychloroquine, the committee has done an especially poor job of oversighting the Corporation for Health Care Research (CHCR). CHCR has been the federal agency responsible for conducting most safety research and authorization of most new drugs for over 40 years Fashionslog.

CVS Healthcare: A Long Way to Go

This is not an exaggeration: The CVSSpringfield location where most of the drug was made is now a federal Superfund Site (SSS)—the first facility in the U.S. to be identified as such under the Superfund Act. The site has been contaminated with toxic chemicals since the 1980s, when workers at the smaller facility there discovered a large amount of the drug. At the time, the agency responsible for the site—the Finsch-Gutermann Authority—was at the receiving end of a $28 million contract awarded to CHCR in 2001. About a year later, the agency hired a outside firm to conduct an audit of CVS’s performance, but it never found the company to be in full compliance with the contract. In fact, inspection reports suggest that the lack of oversight at the Finsch-Gutermann Site far outweighed any problems with the company’s operation Fashioncolthing.

More Reading on Oversight in the Health Care Field

To begin with, we highly recommend reading up on the American Academy of Internal Medicine’s (AAIM) “review of the effectiveness and safety of proton pump inhibitors.” This landmark report, completed in 2006, found the Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) to be safe and effective in treating several types of depression, but it lambasted the way the pharmaceutical industry was handling the issue Fashionworldnow.


If you’re looking for oversight of the federal drug approval process, there are few better places to start than by reviewing the quality of submissions and inspecting the performance of the agency. The good news is that when it comes to the agency’s oversight responsibilities, we have an excellent track record. Of course, with the number of decisions made each day in the House of Representatives and Senate—plus the fact that these decisions are made by a range of different parties—it’s almost impossible to know how much oversight there will be. Still, the more oversight a government gets, the better off every American company and individual will be. When we stand up for what we believe in, as our founders did, we take better care of ourselves. That’s the ultimate and best-case scenario: The average American lives in a secure, healthy, and productive environment because of safe, affordable access to care. With an organized and robust federal drug policy, we can achieve this Magazinefacts!