Managing that huge agricultural crop might keep your hands full as it requires a lot of responsibility. Making sure that no pests or unwanted weeds grow around your crops to make sure it grows healthy is not an easy job. What will help you reduce the heavy responsibility and as much as possible, not have to experience disappointment once something goes wrong in your crop? Easy. Surfactants for herbicides will surely get the work done.
In this article, we will be discussing the benefits of adjuvants and surfactants to keep your agriculture healthy and free from invasive pests. Learn what the benefits are and where you can usually see these chemicals.
Whatever part of the world you live and work in, weeds and pests will be aproblem for agriculture.Whether you need pest control in urban London have a farm in the countryside around the Home Counties, this post will be useful to you.
Different Types of Adjuvants and Surfactants
1. Activator Adjuvants- plant protection products that are mixed with activator adjuvants will have an enhanced biological activity.
2. Special Purpose Adjuvants- this is a conditional type of adjuvants where given formulation of herbicide is convenient. It can change the spray solution’s physical characteristics.
1. Nonionic- this surfactant has no charge and is frequently used for the horticulture industry. You may encounter these surfactants in polishers, cleaner, fragrances, and some food products.
2. Anionic- this is a negatively charged surfactant and is often used to enhance foaming and spreading properties. You can find this type of surfactant in laundry & dish detergents, toothpaste, shampoo, body soaps, and other bath products. This surfactant may cause problems if used in the greenhouse with a sprayer that has an agitator.
3. Cationic- a positively charged surfactant, and is a type of surfactant that is very toxic to plants since they can disturb and penetrate the cell viruses and bacteria, due to their positive charge. And for this, cationic surfactants are mainly used for antimicrobial and antifungal products.
4. Amphoteric- also known as Zwitterionic surfactant. It is a type of surfactant that contains a head with two oppositely charged groups. They are unusual in that they will form a positive or negative charge in water that depends on the pH solution. They have quick dry properties and are used more often in latex and paint products to help them dry or coagulate quicker.
Adjuvants & Surfactants Benefits
Adjuvants and surfactants are spray solution additives that are added to a spray to improve its performance and plant protection
When you have a pest problem with your crops, you’re most likely going to use pesticides that are mixed with adjuvants and surfactants. Both of these chemicals have benefits for horticulture.
Adjuvants– this is used with postemergence herbicides to control the blockade that hinder the movement of the herbicide from the leaf surface to the inside of the cell.
- Lowers viscosity that will allow for easy handling.
- Modify the physical properties of spray solutions.
- Adds to penetration capability of active ingredients.
- Mixes outstandingly with hard water.
- Increases the efficacy of pesticide .
- Increased effectiveness and safety of plants.
- Helps in anti-condensation.
Surfactants– an adjuvant that helps reduce surface tension within the layers of water in the exterior.
- Lowers surface tension at the air-liquid interface, thereby increasing its wetting and spreading properties.
- Subsequently, kill and interact with pathogens, thus preventing alveolar collapse at end-expiration.
- Enhances the performance of pesticides by increasing uptake into the plant.
- Helps fungal infection.
- Promotes absorption of the plant evenly resulting in healthy crops.
A Nurtured Agriculture And A Happy Nature
Knowing the importance and the benefits of using adjuvants and surfactants to improve the quality of your crops also helps us maintain our environment safe as these chemicals may have harmful results if not careful.
You may know more benefits and the right use of adjuvants and surfactants in herbicides in an introduction to adjuvants and surfactants as they give more insights about how to make your chemicals more effective using different adjuvants and surfactants to help maintain your crops healthier and of great quality.